
Synchronicity | Courage

Rolls Royce
Total Awareness


"Don't Be Good - Be Aware"

Object, 8 Bullets, ca. 3x3cm, 2017

"Plants & Stories", Living Objects, 2013-18

Object Plant - Leave

“Royal Air Force “, 2015

Leve Object

“I feed you with leaves“, 2015


“Sexy Plant“, 2015

"Basic & Temporary", Objects

"PlasticBag Spot", Digital Print on Plastic, 2015
"PlasticBag Skull", Digital Print on Plastic, 2015
"PlasticBag Face", Digital Print on Plastic, 2015

Video HD, 2018

"Plastic Odyssey" HD, 2014-18 by Christian Roeck
My Image

“Concrete Loops“ Objects

Concrete Loops " — These objects cast in concrete remain contradictory - hard and fragile, random and determined - due to their raw, sometimes random surface, the weight of the material and the light, harmonious forms.

“Concrete Loops“ – diese aus Beton gegossenen Objekte bleiben durch ihre rohe, stellenweise zufällige Oberfläche, die Schwere des Materials und die leichten harmonischen Formen, widersprüchlich - hart und fragil, zufällig und determiniert.

Videos, HD

“I feed you - you feed me “, HD Video, 2018
Viewing the world as a reflection on a spoon is a reminiscence of Plato's cave parable. Perceiving the world through media consumption is probably also a reminder of Plato's parable.

“I feed you - you feed me “, HD Video, 2017
Die Welt als Reflexion auf einem Löffel zu betrachten erinnert entfernt an das Höhlengleichnis von Platon. Die Welt über Medienkonsum wahrzunehmen erinnert wohl auch an Platons Gleichnis .

PN.Forest.Nr.4, Video HD, 2010
Video to synchronize with nature.

“I feed you - you feed me “, 2017

PN.Forest.Nr.4, Video HD, 2010

"Don't Be Good - Be Aware"


Watercolor On Wall Street Journal & Financial Times, 60x40cm, 1994/95

"Gepard", 60x40cm, 1995 - Christian Roeck

"Gepard", 60x40cm, 1995

"Glimmer Twins", 60x40cm, 1995 - Christian Roeck

"Glimmer Twins", 60x40cm, 1995

"Girl 5", 60x40cm, 1995 - Christian Roeck

"Girl 5", 60x40cm, 1995


Sun On Wall Street Journal & Financial Times, 60x40cm, 1994-96

"Stars & Stripes", 60x40cm, 1995 - Christian Roeck

"Stars & Stripes", 60x40cm, 1995

"Geronimo", 60x40cm, 1995 - Christian Roeck

"Geronimo", 60x40cm, 1995

"Pyramid Of Evil", 60x40cm, 1995_Christian Roeck

"Pyramid Of Evil", 60x40cm, 1995

"Human Hair - Ring", 2016

"8 Bullets", ca. 3x3cm, 2016 _ Christian Roeck

"8 Bullets", 2016

"Around the House“, Photo Edition, 2016

Everyday and yet unusual motifs from the private, domestic environment. Taken with a special technique in which video and photo merges and frees a situation from context.

Alltägliche und doch ungewöhnliche Motive aus dem privaten, häuslichen Umfeld. Aufgenommen mit einer speziellen Technik, bei der Video und Foto eine Situation aus dem Kontext herauslösen und verschmelzen.

2016 Ltd. Edition 30 +2AP

“Green Gras - Red Cables“, 120x80cm

“Green Gras - Red Cables“, 120x80cm

“Green Gras“, 120x80cm, Photo Print - Christian Roeck

“Green Gras“, 120x80cm

“Green Gras - Red Silver Cables“, 120x80cm, Photot Print - Christian Roeck

Green Gras - Red Silver Cables“, 120x80cm

"Political Correctness - A Concept Of Hostility", Temporary Objects, 2017

These temporary objects resemble drawings and show personal memories of animals. They resemble archaic techniques of preserving thoughts by carving them in rocks or drawing them in the sand. This creates space to think and act intuitively.

Diese temporären Objekte gleichen Zeichnungen und zeigen persönliche Erinnerungen an Tiere. Sie ähneln archaischen Techniken Gedanken zu bewahren, indem man sie in Felsen ritzt oder in den Sand zeichnet. Dies schafft Raum intuitiv zu denken und zu handeln.

“Hyäne“ Fahrradketten, 120x80cm _ Christian Roeck

“Hyäne“ Fahrradketten, 120x80cm

"Gorilla", Bicycle Chains, 2017 - By Christian Roeck.jpg

“Gorilla“, Bicycle Chains, 120x80cm

"Cat & Dog", Bicycle Chains, 2017 - By Christian Roeck

Cat & Dog“, Bicycle Chains, 120x80cm

Video HD, 2018

"No Surprise - No Expectations I", HD- Video, Found Footage

Media: Governance through Entertainment.

Medien: Steuerung durch Unterhaltung

"Gohn, Raul, Jeorge & Pingo - The Meatles", Objects, 2014

Propaganda: Narratives, emotions and suggestive content hijack the mind and determine what you see

Propaganda: Narrative, Emotionen und suggestive Inhalte kapern das Denken und bestimmen was man sieht.

"Raul", PU-Foam, Human Hair, Life-Sized, 2014

"Gohn", PU-Foam, Human Hair, Life-Sized, 2014

"Jeorge", PU-Foam, Human Hair, Life-Sized, 2014

"Pingo", PU-Foam, Human Hair, Life-Sized, 2014

Private Nature

Videos to synchronize with nature.


Issue 02:

"Guidelines" - Series of silhouettes, acrylic on wood, wall-mounted installation in variable size by Silvia Beck.

Soundtrack "LeaveFlow" & "PN.Inn"
by Hannes Strobl.

All other art works are by Christian Roeck.

"Die beste und sicherste Tarnung ist immer noch die blanke und nackte Wahrheit. Die glaubt niemand!" Max Frisch

Try something different.
